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Velaraid 2018 10th Edition 





> Thank you! VelaRaid people


> VelaRaid report



Taking place between Vogalonga and Velalonga, VelaRaid it is a 5-day wanderlust sailing experience in the Venetian lagoon discovering hidden sites and meeting old and new friends from all Europe.

In the 10th edition new itineraries and places will be added to the sailing voyage as well as new experiences of the lagoon way of life.

It will be a way to know and share how we, people of Circolo Velico Casanova and San Giuliano, live in this wonderful wetland that we call “home”.

Itineraries and activities still being worked on!

Are you interested in checking it out?

Keep in touch and be one of us.










Venice Lagoon Raid
P.ta San Giuliano, 15
30173 - Mestre (Ve)

Fax: +39 041 5312913







                                                                                                                                                                                               byRevi  agg. 7.2.2018